In collaboration with Royal Dutch Visio, Groningen University (Stefanie de Vries, MSc., Prof. Oliver Tucha, Dr. Joost Heutink) developed a test battery using the Metrisquare platform and the DiagnoseIS software. This test battery consists of 11 tests to screen for visual perceptual disorders after acquired brain injury (ABI). The test battery includes tests that are commonly used in clinical practice for the assessment of visual perceptual functions, such as the Bells Test, but also tests specifically developed for use on a computerized tablet (e.g. Block Tapping). In the context of a PhD thesis a research project has been established that aims to improve assessment and rehabilitation of people with visual
perceptual disorders after ABI. The test battery is deployed in all regional rehabilitation centers of Royal Dutch Visio.
In a reference letter, Stefanie de Vries also states:
“The Metrisquare solution allowed us to implement a test battery that can be widely distributed in clinical practice. Raw data of test performance on this battery are processed by creating clinical reports, providing interpretative norms, tables, and graphs for visualization. This offers clinicians insight in possible deficits and provides directions for more elaborate assessment.”