The RevArte Visual Search Task (RVST)
The RevArte Visual Search Task (RVST) has been developed by Prof. C. Lafosse, RevArte rehabilitation hospital in Edegem. The test presents a field of stimuli in which the client is requested to cancel out all stimuli matching the one in the center of the field. The test not only measures the amount of omissions, but also the order and speed of processing. The report also shows the differences between right and left responses, which is very useful for assessing Visual Neglect.

In 2015, a pilot study was performed in 66 brain-damaged patients and 19 age-matched control subjects to examine some aspects of the test’s sensitivity and its usefulness for diagnostic purposes. Preliminary results show that the RVST is able to provide quantitative coefficients related to the spatio-temporal aspects of the visuo-motor exploratory behavior of the subjects and allows to significantly differentiate between healthy subjects and a number of brain-damaged subgroups.
In 2019, additional studies have been performed by Thomas More in Antwerp. Normative data based on 104 healthy controls have been collected. Furthermore, the researchers found that the RVST scores are not affected by age, education nor gender.
Scientific references and publications:
- Desmet I. (2015) The RevArte Visual Search Task: a Pilot Study (Poster)
- Desmet I., Lafosse C. (2015) The RevArte Visual Search Task: A Sensitive Computerized Visual Search Test Using Touch-Screen Technology
- Note E., Lafosse C. (2015) De sensitiviteit van de computerondersteunde RevArte Visual Search Task bij mild traumatisch hersenletsel
- Cochet S., Debrie R. De Vriendt L., Mariën E., Matthyssen N., Van den Brande E., Verwerft L., Van Dijck J. (2019) De RevArte Visual Search Task: een studie naar gebruiksgemak, normering en psychometrische kwaliteiten.